About Us

“You won’t enjoy tranquility in your home until you start soundproofing.”

We are Mr. & Mrs Martel, and we lived in denial until we started soundproofing. Our home was hell on earth. The noise was too much for us. We were living next to noisy neighbors. We felt like suing them. They always play loud music. Their dogs were continuously barking, and they have a milling machine in their backyard. The noise was too much. Until one day, we decided to stop the blame game. We started by soundproofing our bedroom. The experience was fulfilling. We went further and soundproofed the entire house. With no time, the noise was gone. We became passionate about soundproofing. We worked on our backyards and cars.

We did not want someone else to go through what we experienced. Our journey to helping other people to have peaceful lives began. To achieve this, we inform, educate, and give tips for reducing noise from homes, cars, backyards, and offices.

Our Goal

Our goal is to help people to live in peace. We help people reduce noise in the following critical areas.

Sound Proofing Homes

Let’s face it. Today homes are noisier than ever. Thanks to open floor plans, lightweight home construction, advanced entertainment equipment’s, appliances, and all necessary home equipment’s. Even worse are noisy neighbors.

That should not be the case. We will help you identify the best techniques to soundproof your home. With our experience in soundproofing, we will recommend techniques that are affordable and easy to install.

Sound Proofing Your Car

Driving creates vibrations. Unless your car is well soundproofed, the noise will find its way into your vehicle. We will help you have quiet cars. You will have conversations with ease, listen to your radio, and enjoy music as you drive. Say goodbye to shouting when having conversations in your car. We will teach you how to deaden car vibrations and reduce the noise.

Garden Sound Proofing

When the sun is out, it’s the perfect time to open your doors and windows and let fresh air in. You will also want to go and relax in the garden. Picture yourself relaxing, listening to birds chirping. Unfortunately, this might not be the case with your backyard. You can hear loud children playing in the nearby, noisy neighbors, sound from nearby traffic and barking dogs.

Thankfully, we have discovered soundproofing solutions to restore tranquility in your garden. We will teach you the tips and tricks to help you enjoy the comfort of your garden.

Start Sound Proofing Your Homes Today

We have tried and tested different soundproofing techniques. We only recommend techniques that works. We have gone an extra mile and identified the best soundproofing material in the market. Read through our tips and techniques, apply them in your home and enjoy life.

Say Goodbye to Noises

Thanking You
Vanessa Martel & Chris Martel